This week was a little different. I already knew Thursday wouldn't be a rest day because my running club was doing a fun run as part of "Try the Y[MCA]" week. Then my car had issues and I couldn't get to the gym on Friday. I also took the train 2 days rather than commuting for 45 minutes in stop & go traffic. This really alleviated some of the pain I've been having in my right leg.
Below it says what I was scheduled to do and in parentheses is what I actually did.
Monday Rest
Tuesday Morning yoga/stretching and evening track workout (minimal yoga & 3.72 miles of speed work)
Wednesday Longer Run (7.66 miles)
Thursday Rest (3.13 "fun run" in 95 degree heat!)
Friday Cross-training (5.51 mile run)
Saturday Shorter run (3.58 miles)
Sunday Long run (19.08 miles)
Prior to this past week, my longest run was 17.3 miles. Sunday, I found a good training pace that felt a teeny bit challenging, but not too slow: about 10:15 minutes per mile. I felt great and decided to go for 19. It was a very encouraging run!
I will be traveling out of town tomorrow early and am not sure what my running week will look like. I was planning that my mileage would be down this week anyway, as I was advised to drop the mileage to about half every 3 weeks.
Total miles: 42.69
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