Challenging week in marathon training land.
Due to some leg issues, I'm doing quite a few exercises for strengthening my legs. I have a standing desk at one of my jobs, so I do strengthening and stretching while I work.
Tuesday: Track workout, 400m warmup, 3x1600 with 800 @ threshold, 400 @ speed, 400 @ threshold, another 800m at tempo (Morning yoga/stretching and evening track workout)
Wednesday: 6.46 miles (Longer Run)
Thursday: Rest (Rest)
Friday: 15 min elliptical, 45 minute spin class, 1 mile treadmill (Cross-training)
Saturday: 4.25 miles (Shorter run)
Sunday: 16.73 miles (Long run)
My long run on Sunday was HARD. Very HARD. Did I mention it was HARD? I think it has something to do with the fact that I need new shoes. Not only a new pair of shoes, but a whole new style and fit of shoes.
I will be away this weekend, and my mileage will be way down. I hope the rest will help with my right leg pain and the IT band pain I'm having in my left leg.
I ran 32.17 miles this week.
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